The news of CBI addressing Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao early this week regarding an agreement when he served as the Union Minister of Labor, Employment and Training in 2006 went unnoticed as the media didn't give much significance to it.
CBI went to KCR's living arrangement to ask him for what good reason the proposition of allowing an agreement (of developing ESI Hospitals over the state) to National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC) which is a focal organization was scratched off. They likewise asked with him why the same contract was later recompensed to the Executive Engineer of the AP Fisheries Department.
Detecting sub-standard nature of work by the contractual worker, ESI Corporation started the test in 2007-08 and a case was enrolled by CBI in the year 2011. Beginning reports recommended, There could be defilement of over Rs 5 crore and this prompted a top to bottom request.
CBI went to KCR's living arrangement to ask him for what good reason the proposition of allowing an agreement (of developing ESI Hospitals over the state) to National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC) which is a focal organization was scratched off. They likewise asked with him why the same contract was later recompensed to the Executive Engineer of the AP Fisheries Department.
Detecting sub-standard nature of work by the contractual worker, ESI Corporation started the test in 2007-08 and a case was enrolled by CBI in the year 2011. Beginning reports recommended, There could be defilement of over Rs 5 crore and this prompted a top to bottom request.