Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan on Thursday met AP Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu at the camp office in Vijayawada. The two pioneers talked about a few issues amid this 3 hour long meeting.
Pawan Kalyan why should incapable go to AP Capital establishment stone service because of occupied calendar passed on his all the best to Chandrababu Naidu who took up the assignment of building a world-class city.
Exceptional Status: The guarantee was made in Parliament and even PM Modi said the same in Tirupati. On a few events, Center repeated every one of the guarantees made to AP will be satisfied. Consequently, I'm holding up trusting that they will execute them. I willn't endure if unfairness is done to the general population. BJP will be washed away if guarantees stay unfulfilled.
Will you dispatch Protests against Center if AP was denied Special Status?: Staging Protests on streets willn't acquire any sought results. Arrangements could be found to issues just with solid examinations.
Growing Jana Sena: I'm not monetarily solid to extend Jana Sena gathering further.
GHMC Polls: We haven't examined about it amid the meeting.
Bauxite Mining in Visakha office: I advanced CM not to execute the GO issued for bauxite mining until agreement were come to. Choice ought to be brought after meetings with all the partners.
AP Capital: I asked CM to determine the issues of Farmers. He guaranteed that grounds will be obtained strictly when persuading the ranchers who were hesitant. I even requesting that he concentrate on different areas of the state, not Capital alone.