Khaidi No. 150 film directed by V. Vinayak. In which the telugu Actor Chiranjeevi plays in a dual role, Shriya Saran and the telugu Actress Kajal Agarwal in the lead roles. It is a rebuilding of the Tamil film Kaththi (2014). Now the Audio of this film is leaked and that song AMMADU Lets Do KUMMUDU with lyrics are in this video
Megastar Chiranjeevi 's Khaidi No150 - AMMADU Lets Do KUMMUDU song
AMMADU Lets Do KUMMUDU with lyrics song
Khaidi No150 audio songs leaked
Khaidi No150 film audio songs
Khaidi No. 150 film directed by V. Vinayak. In which the telugu Actor Chiranjeevi plays in a dual role, Shriya Saran and the telugu Actress Kajal Agarwal in the lead roles. It is a rebuilding of the Tamil film Kaththi (2014). Now the Audio of this film is leaked and that song AMMADU Lets Do KUMMUDU with lyrics are in this video